SIMPLE GROOVE1...2...3...4... count BtBtStTbTbBtStTt strokes rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl hands Basic (15 strokes and one gap, making 4 4s): go do go do Gn do go do -- do go do Gn do go do or with some slaps for emphasis things like Pa do Pa do Gn do go Ta -- Ta go do Gn do go do and then various abbreviations to bring out the main shape more strongly, so to speak: For example (there are others) Pa do Pa do Gn do go Ta -- Ta go do Gn -- do -- -- or Pa do Pa do Gn do go Ta -- Ta go do Gn -- -- -- and finally: Pa -- Pa -- Gn -- go Ta -- Ta go do Gn -- -- -- Dancers (in my limited but intense experience) really get energised when you go back and forth between that last one, emphasizing the Slap! Slap! Boom! at the start, and the earlier, "busier" variants. And now and then you can just Pa -- Pa -- Gn -- -- -- Pa -- Pa -- Gn -- -- -- for a while and then pick up the whole Pa -- Pa -- Gn -- go Ta -- Ta go do Gn -- -- -- again, on to Pa -- Pa -- Gn -- go Ta -- Ta go do Gn do go do, and so on. It's best if you have someone else playing a simple dah-dee-dah-dah dah-dee-dah-dah rhythm in the background. (Hope this isn't too boring to the old hands on the list .. )