MENI (?) Ulf from the Falul Folk Festival4/4 |: . . . * . . . | . . . * . . . :| _ _ _ _ _ Djembe3 B . . O B . . . B . O . B . . . _ _ _ _ Djembe2 B . O . B . S . B . O . B . S . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Djembe1 S . O S . O S . O . S . O O O . (lead) _ _ _ _ _ Break O O O O . O . O O . O . S . . . This is what I know about Meni (which I learned once from Arafan Toure, a teacher in Holland. duns combination: kenkeni|....|....|..o.|....| sangban|....|..o.|....|..o.| dundun |o..o|o...|o...|o...| bell |xx.x|x.x.|x.x.|x.x.| extra kenkeni: kenk 2 |..oo|.oo.|..oo|.oo.| bell |x.xx|.xx.|x.xx|.xx.| djembe1|B.T.|B...|BTTT|B...|B.T.|B...|BTTT|B...| Djembe2|BSSS|B.T.|B...|BT.T|B...|B.T.|B...|BTTT| ^ Djembe1 starts, and after one or two cicles the second djembe comes in at the tone at point "^"